Ready for real training?

Whether we’re your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack.

This is why we created the Koru ground rules. They are tips we believe will help you make the most out of our training and put you and your dog on a solid foundation.

1. Get out what you put in.

You get out of this training program (and your dog) exactly what you put into it. We are going to give you all the tools, education, and training, but it’s up to YOU to implement them while we are not there and remain consistent. If you only do 60% of what we advise, you will get 60% of the results.

2. One size does not fit all.

There are times we may start down one road, but may need to change direction to better benefit your dog and the training goals. Also, we will be teaching YOU to be a better handler for your dog. This is something that does not always come naturally to people, but it is an imperative piece of the process. Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to become a professional dog trainer, but we will help get you to a better, more comfortable place with your dog.

Remain patient with yourself, this is going to be a learning process for you just as much as it is for your dog.

3. Rehabilitation means good days and bad days.

There are times when rehabilitation is not pretty. It can be uncomfortable. There are times when this process is going to test you and your patience. You MUST remain calm, and trust the process. Think of any human going through rehabilitation, it’s not a linear path. Training your dog may not be either. We are here to guide you through this process, and help you through the ups and downs.

So far so good? Have a question?

Reach out. We’re here to help.

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4. Your dog is smarter than you.

Okay, not really. But your dog is ALWAYS learning. Your dog is constantly learning through his behavior, yours, and collecting input from their environment. Every time you interact with your dog, you are teaching your dog something regardless if you realize it or not. If you don’t want your dog to do something, DON’T ALLOW IT. If you are allowing behaviors to happen in one environment, but correcting that same behavior in another, you are creating confusion and conflict with your dog. Which, in turn, not only creates more of an uphill battle in training, it creates confusion and conflict with your relationship with your dog. Remember, we are trying to establish trust and leadership to help resolve behaviors.

5. Your dog is not a robot.

It’s a living, breathing animal with a personality and temperament all its own. Dog training takes time — whether it is obedience or behavior modification — and that includes the time it takes for YOU to learn to be a better handler. There are some things that we are going to recommend that are beneficial for your dog and its training journey that may not be exactly what you envisioned when you first got your dog. Trust the process, have patience, be in the moment with your dog when you are together. Change will happen if you commit to yourself and your dog.

6. Trust us. Trust the process.

There are going to be times that we are going to ask you to change how you are doing things with your dog, or how you interact with your dog. We know this isn’t always easy. What we ask is that you remain open minded. We have owners come to us and say, “I won’t do this,” “I don’t want to use that,” — but what we ask is that you trust us, and know if what you are doing isn’t working, it’s time to try something else. Remember, if you cherry pick, and only do some of the things we recommend, your results will show this.

You’re doing great! Only 3 more points to cover.

Here is a cute animal video break.

7. Focus only on you and your dog.

In the case of aggression, we may recommend the temporary use of a muzzle to keep you, your dog, and the community safe. There are a lot of owners who don’t want other people judging them. We ask you to put aside what anybody else thinks and focus only on your dog and their rehabilitation journey. Our main goal is to keep everybody safe during this process. Muzzle is not a bad word.

8. Puppy love? Let’s set realistic expectations.

With puppies – have realistic expectations for the age of your puppy. A 10 week old puppy is not going to walk calmly on a loose leash heel. But we can absolutely start patterning and luring the puppy at this age. You have the benefit of a blank slate, now is the time to show your dog exactly what is expected so that your puppy can mature into a well behaved dog.

And finally:

In order to be as successful as possible, we need you to partner with us throughout this journey. You will be receiving homework and action items during your training with us, or even after the last session that you purchase. There will be times our trainer asks you to do your homework, and then contact them back in a specific period of time, or after you have worked through your homework.

We need for you to remain in communication with us, and please get back to us when we ask you to. Even if it is just to say, “hey, I didn’t do my homework.” We get it, life happens, but please, keep us in the loop.

You’re all done!

Thank you for reading through our ground rules. This is a great first and important step to creating the harmonious relationship we know you’ve always dreamed about. Let’s help you get there and remember, you can also reach out to us if you have any questions. We’re here with you every step of the way.

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